Alpha Media Holdings

Pomona City: Own your dream home

IF you are almost giving up on that dream of owning a home because of the current economic environment, do not let your dream crumble, make it come true by building at Pomona City a stone’s throw away from the sprawling, plush and prestigious Borrowdale suburb.

West Property Zimbabwe, a property development company, is introducing a new Leasehold option of land ownership to enhance access to estate development and decent housing at affordable prices.

The Leasehold option, not yet well known within Zimbabwe, affords an individual to build their dream home without a large capital outlay to obtain the land to build on. Leasehold ownership is popular in the UK and as far away as Hawaii however our neighbour South Africa is also using Leasehold ownership, for instance the prestigious Waterfall City next to the Mall of Africa in Johannesburg.

At Pomona City one pays 10% deposit and makes affordable payments from as little as US$60 per month for the Leasehold period.

There are a number of advantages that come with the new concept of Leasehold:

• Typically less expensive — it frees up 90% of funds to enable the owner to build their dream home using the capital saved from typically buying a stand that would otherwise be used to build a home.

• Cashfl ow positive — low deposit with affordable monthly payments (which al lows for easy financial planning — residual funds can be used to invest in other projects or businesses).

• Cashfl ow positive — low deposit with affordable monthly payments (which al lows for easy financial planning — residual funds can be used to invest in other projects or businesses).

• Transfer of assets — rights to sell the home or pass it down to beneficiaries therefore leaving a legacy.

• Financial flexibility — with Leasehold ownership there is no need to resort to a loan to own the land, without the bur den of expensive debt (the value of land is usually 30-40% of the total value of buying a home).

Leasehold ownership is made possible with a perpetual renewable 50-year Lease with rights to pass it on to beneficiaries for easy estate planning as well as first right of refusal in the event of sale by the land owner. Pomona City is where dreams are made possible to build a home. We will it make happen, live a legacy, live the dream and own your home with Leasehold ownership.

At Pomona City, a series of infrastructure services and on site developments will be undertaken to suit the standards of the surrounding environment and to allow occupants to have a hassle-free journey in building their dream home. ese developments include water provision, tarred roads, sewer and storm drainage systems.

It is the ethos of West Prop to protect the environment and be a responsible sustain able developer thus Pomona City will be an eco-city using the latest green technology and innovations to minimise the impact on the Planet and its People. As American financial advisor, Suze Orman puts it, “owning a home is a keystone of wealth — both financial affluence and emotional security”.

Zimbabwe has a housing backlog and the Pomona City Leasehold option is tailor made to ensure access to more affordable houses within a shorter period of time. As a company, West Prop Zimbabwe is working towards Zimbabwe’s bright future in line with vision 2030.

We have engaged potential home owners to invest with them and start building their dream homes. In doing so the home owner’s investment not only affordably secures their future legacy but also allows job creation and poverty alleviation which is at the heart of West Prop whilst putting their clients first as per their customer-centric vision.





Alpha Media Group